Health Problems That Are Common In Pomeranians

Posted on: 7 October 2022

Pomeranians are such adorable, personable little dogs. Many of them live long, happy lives. However, like most dog breeds, Poms are prone to certain health problems. Watch out for signs of these health problems as your little Pom ages, and reach out to a vet if you start to suspect something might be wrong.

Collapsed Trachea

Pomeranians have pretty thin, weak tracheas. As such, they are at risk for a condition called collapsed trachea. This can occur when they are led in a collar that puts too much pressure on the front of their throat. However, it can also happen spontaneously as a dog is playing. If your Pom's trachea collapses, they'll generally begin wheezing and coughing. The symptoms may be mild or severe, depending on the extent of the collapse. In either case, though, this problem requires prompt medical care. The vet may be able to externally manipulate the trachea, or your dog may require surgery to stabilize it.


Cataracts occur when the lens of the eye becomes opaque. This makes it harder for the dog to see clearly. Cataracts start off as mild cloudiness in the eye, and they keep worsening until the eye is completely opaque. There is no cure for cataracts in Poms, but there are eye drops that can slow the progression. In some cases, your vet may be able to perform surgery in which they replace the lens with a clear, artificial one. However, this surgery can be expensive and is usually only recommended for younger dogs who are better able to heal.


Distichiasis is a medical condition in which the eyelashes grow towards the eye or into the eye. This can cause your Pomeranian's eye to become red, teary, and irritated. If your Pom has distichiasis, you'll probably notice it when they are quite young. However, there are cases in which it does not show up until later. If you think your dog has distichiasis, take them to the vet promptly. The condition can cause ulcers to form on the eye and become infected. Early treatment, which may involve surgical removal of the eyelashes, can prevent these bigger problems.

If you have a Pomeranian pup, you have many years of joy and fun to look forward to with them as your companion. Just make sure you're putting their health first and keeping your eyes out for signs of the conditions above. Talk to a local vet clinic such as Johnstown Veterinary Associates to learn more.
