3 Reasons To See A Vet For Your Dog's Dental Health

Posted on: 12 November 2017

One of the most important reasons to take your dog to a vet clinic is to make sure that your dog's dental health is taken care of, mostly because a lot of unfortunate and painful conditions can occur if the dog's dental health is allowed to degrade. Listed below are just a few of the reasons to see a vet for your dog's dental health. Poor Dental Hygiene Can Leave Your Dog In A Lot Of Pain
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10 Rules Of Helping Stray Animals: How To Take Some Of The "Ruffness" Out Of Rescue

Posted on: 5 September 2017

While animal rescue is a noble effort, it can also be a chaotic, expensive and even dangerous effort. To make it less "ruff" on you and your household, as well as to increase your success rate, consider the following 10 rules of helping stray animals. 1. Don't Plan On Taking In Every Stray As much as your heart may ache for each animal left unattended by caring human hands, if you allow your heart to dictate your actions, you're likely to take rescuing to such an extreme that it could negatively affect your life.
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Several Questions About Having Your Pet Declawed

Posted on: 30 August 2017

There are many medical procedures that your pet may require over the time that you own them. Having your pet's claws removed may not have been something you anticipated needing to have done, but it is a fairly routine procedure. Learning more about declawing procedures should enable you to be informed when it concerns meeting the healthcare needs of your pet. Why Would You Need To Have Your Cat Or Dog's Claws Removed?
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3 Simple Solutions To Reduce Your Dog's Shedding

Posted on: 22 August 2017

Having a dog in your home can be fun and exciting, but it also comes with a great deal of responsibility. From feeding and training to ensuring it receives proper medical care, you can easily overlook certain aspects of caring for your new family member. Unfortunately, most people do not place enough time and energy into understanding their dog's coat. While certain dog breeds, such as a few terriers and poodles, do not shed or shed very little, others may shed an excessive amount due to food allergies, environmental concerns, or even stress.
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